Add and manage servicers

Add and manage servicers

Learn how to add and edit a Servicer in your WarrantyHub account. A warranty servicer is a company or entity responsible for repairing, maintaining, or replacing items covered under a warranty plan.

Add a servicer 

  1. Go to Servicers.
  2. Select + Add Servicer in the top right.
  3. Enter Servicer information:
    1. + Add Logo
    2. + Add Icon - This feature has been discontinued.
    3. Business Name*
    4. Business Email - This field is not required but highly recommended for communication.
    5. Business Phone
    6. Services or Service Categories* - This is the type of work a Servicer provides.
    7. Address* - Street, City, State, and Zip Code are required.
    8. Rating
    9. Hidden checkbox
    10. Status dropdown
      1. Active
      2. InActive
      3. OnHold
      4. DO NOT USE
    11. Service Radius* - pick a radius of 5-500 miles.
    12. Short Description
    13. About Business
    14. Company Website
  4. Save updates.

Edit a servicer

  1. Go to Servicers.
  2. Locate and select a servicer.
  3. Click Edit in the far right corner.
  4. Update the Servicer information.
  5. Save your changes.

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