Add, edit, and invite an Affiliate

Add and manage affiliates

Discover how to effectively manage affiliates by learning how to add, edit, and invite them to the WarrantyHub platform.

Add an affiliate

Before proceeding: Affiliate profiles must be associated with an agency, so make sure you have created an active agency for the affiliate to be linked to. Learn more about adding an agency.
  1. Go to Affiliates.
  2. Select + Add Affiliate in the top right corner.
  3. In the Affiliate window, add affiliate details:
    1. + Add Picture
    2. Insert from Contracts - this feature is no longer supported.
    3. Name*
    4. Affiliate Type*
      1. Agent
      2. Closing Rep
      3. Lender
      4. TC (Transaction Coordinator)
      5. Property Manager
      6. Inspector
      7. Insurance
    5. Primary Contact Email*
    6. Phone
    7. Affiliate Notes
    8. Agency *
  4. Review the affiliate details and Save.

Edit an affiliate

  1. Go to Affiliates.
  2. Locate and select the affiliate to edit.
  3. Scroll to the Details section and click on the 3-dot menu.
  4. Select Edit.
  5. Make your changes and Save.

Invite an affiliate to the affiliate portal

You can invite affiliates and grant access to the Affiliate Portal in two ways: through the Affiliate overview page or by configuring settings within each policy.

Invite an affiliate to the affiliate portal directly from the dashboard

In order for an affiliate to receive an invite, you must turn on and configure the Event: AffiliateUserInvite in settings.
  1. Go to Affiliates.
  2. Choose or locate a previously created affiliate.
  3. In the top right corner, select Invite Affiliate.
    1. This action will send an email invitation to the affiliate, providing access to the Affiliate Portal. 
  4. Select Yes.

Invite and grant access to the affiliate portal on contract creation

 Adjust Policy settings to invite and grant access to the Affiliate Portal during Contract creation.
In order for an affiliate to receive an invite, you must turn on and configure the Event: ContractNew.Affiliate in settings.
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select Policies.
  3. In the Groups column, locate and select a policy group.
  4. Policies associated with that group will display in the Policies column.
  5. Select the edit icon on a policy.
  6. Check the box Invite Affiliate on Contract Creation to manage their Portal Profile.
  7. Save.
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