Set up and manage event notifications

Set up and manage event notifications

WarrantyHub provides product event notifications to keep customers, agents, affiliates, servicers, sales reps, and groups informed. You have the flexibility to enable or disable these notifications as needed, with notifications sent through email or SMS.
Permission required: Users with the Settings permission can access this feature.

Event notification overview

Access event configuration

  1. Go to Settings, select Event Notifications.
  2. Here, you can manage automated messages.

Types of product triggers

There are over 100 events that are available to use. These events can be categorized into 3 specific product buckets:
  1. Invite and password events
  2. Contract life cycle events
  3. Claim life cycle events

Notification targets

  1. Homeowner - Owner of a contract or warranty
  2. Provider
  3. Agency
  4. Affiliate
  5. PropMgr - Property Manager
  6. Pro - Servicer
  7. Rep - Sales Rep 

Configure and customize an event

You can use WarrantyHub’s predefined default SMS and email templates or customize them to your liking.
  1. Go to Settings, select Event Notifications.
  2. Here you can manage automated messages.
  3. Find and choose an event.
  4. Within each event, you can find the following details:
    1. Event Description - Describes the product trigger and notification specifics for each event.
    2. Multi Target Event - Toggle to enable multi-user event functionality. This feature is currently retired.
    3. SMS 
      1. Enable SMS -Toggle to enable text notifications.
      2. Override Default Message - Toggle to customize text content.
    4. Email
      1. Enable Email - Toggle to enable email notifications.
      2. Override Default Email - Customize the email content.
      3. Use Company Default Template - Use the default email template provided by WarrantyHub or create your own.
      4. Update email - Make changes to email content.
    5. Event Variables - Place holders within text that represent dynamic values. These variables get replaced with actual values from your account. Each event has its own Event variables that correspond to an event.
  5. Save changes in the top right corner.

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